Bike-a-Thon 2022

We are excited to announce the first virtual Bike-A-Thon. This cycling and walking event will provide an opportunity to participants to raise much needed funds to support the Children’s Treatment Centre. In the interest of safety and constraints from the pandemic, unlike in previous formats, this year’s event will span over the duration of one month and not include the traditional kick-off breakfast with a guest speaker and the event day pancake breakfast and bbq lunch.

The virtual Bike-A-Thon allows participants/teams to set a fundraising goal of their choice to strive for. Participate along, with family members, friends or colleagues anytime between June 1 – 30, 2022. Remember that for this year’s format, participants can choose their own location and route to cycle or walk. To register, simply contact the CTC by e-mail (ctc@ctcsdg.ca), mail (305A Second St. E., Cornwall, ON K6H 1Y8) or phone (613-933-4400).

Participants can download the Sponsor Sheets from the website or instruct the CTC to e-mail or mail them to their residence.

Donations and Pledges collected may be dropped off in the mailbox at the CTC office or mailed to the CTC. Payment services by credit card or on-line through CanadaHelps (Donate Now – CHILDREN’S TREATMENT CENTRE (canadahelps.org) are also accessible for event donors. Please remember to include a copy of the sponsor sheets when submitting your pledge funds collected as Income Tax Receipts will be issued and mailed directly to the sponsors from the Centre unless otherwise requested.

As has been the tradition, the Chairman’s Award will be presented to a member of the Clergy who raised the most money for this event with the President’s Award being earned by the highest non-clergy fundraiser. To qualify for these two distinct awards, the individual must submit their pledges to the CTC before 4 p.m. on July 15, 2022. The Chairman’s and President’s Awards will be presented on Friday, July 29, 2022.

To help promote the Bike-A-Thon, participants are encouraged to send pictures of their cycling or walking participation to the CTC to be posted on their Facebook. This publicity will help to encourage others to participate and make this event another fundraising community success story for the Centre.

Let’s all come together with this collaborative, fun and healthy event and make the 2022 Bike-A-Thon a huge success for the CTC!

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