Charity Auction and Dinner

CTC Charity Auction & Dinner sets new record!

Hundreds of people attended the Best Western on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020 for the Charity Auction and Dinner benefiting the Children’s Treatment Centre.

The event raised $82,855.

Master of Ceremonies Sean Adams said the community still came out for the centre despite a weekend snowstorm.

Raised by This Event

“When you seen how loyal these supporters are. They come out in those blizzard conditions. Our previous record was $72,000. We raised almost $83,000 tonight through the generosity of each and every one of our supporters. You got to go home with a smile on your face,” he said.

There were nearly 50 silent auction items and close to 70 live auction items, including autographed hockey jerseys, weekend getaways, furniture and memorabilia.

Four cakes donated by Judy Stewart hit new heights in the bidding with a dark chocolate butter cream caramel cake fetching $1,500. The previous record for a single cake at $1,350.

A draw for travel tickets donated by Air Canada from Donna Flanigan’s Travel by TPI raised another $5,000 for the CTC. Linda McDonald of Martintown won the draw.

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