Tees 2 Keys Charity Golf

Friday, July 15, 2016 by Greg Peerenboom,

Brian Snyder had one of his broad smiles lighting up his face as he pointed out a group of teenagers heading off across the Upper Canada Golf Course Friday afternoon.

“We have all of our students dressed professionally for this tournament,” said Snyder of the all-white Vesco overalls the students had donned to help with the second annual Tees 2 Keys Hope Family Golf Tournament.

In addition to measuring each golf group for shots closest to the pin, “they will be doing a lot of things to make it seem like a professional tournament, including cleaning balls and holding the flags for the (144) golfers,” Snyder said.

“We have over 70 volunteers to help out,” he said, of just one facet that is again making the Tees 2 Keys a success for the Children’s Treatment Centre and Special Olympics.

“We’re sold out again,” said Snyder, of the tremendous response that has made this tournament one of most sought after fundraising event this summer.

And why not — the course is made very golfer friendly, as each of the par 4s and pars 5s are shortened into par 3s.

“At each hole you can win a car worth $25,000,” Snyder said.

Plus, there is a guaranteed prize of $500, with an estimated $15,000 of other prizes available, thanks to the estimated 40-plus sponsors.

The golf course and restaurant management and staff also go “above and beyond” to help prepare the course and assist in any way they can during and after the tournament.

The local Special Olympics doesn’t do much fundraising, said Snyder, the co-chair in charge of the Special Olympics, which will split the estimated $36,000 raised with the CTC.

“So they will allow us to do more for the kids with coaching and equipment.”

The funds for the CTC will go to assist in daily operations for the facility which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Fundraising is of huge importance for the treatment centre, as it it relies solely on donations.

It’s a daily task to provide timely counselling for mentally and physically abused children, so every cent helps to ensure patients get treatment as quickly as possible.

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