Cornwall Nissan, Uptown Kia help Children's Treatment Centre Cornwall Nissan manager Spencer Roberts (left) and Children's Treatment Centre president Don Fairweather. Photo on Monday, December 27, 2021, in Cornwall, Ont. Todd Hambleton/Cornwall Standard-Freeholder/Postmedia Network PHOTO BY TODD HAMBLETON /Todd Hambleton/Standard-Freeholder It’s been another challenging pandemic year for the Children’s

BMO Cornwall donates $10,000 to Children’s Treatment Centre
pmdms2021-12-22T17:02:12-05:00BMO Cornwall donates $10,000 to Children's Treatment Centre From left to right: chairperson of the CTC's Bike-A-Thon Plus Peter Asquini, CTC president Don Fairweather, local BMO branch manager Cindy Peach, and BMO regional vice president Frederica Jones, with a $10,000 donation from BMO to the CTC on Thursday December 16, 2021

Cornwall Children’s Treatment Centre receives $10,000 from Archdiocese
pmdms2022-01-12T14:54:55-05:00The Children’s Treatment Centre (CTC) closed off 2021 with some good news — a $10,000 donation from its longest-standing donor. The relationship between the former Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall — which recently merged with the Archdiocese of Ottawa — and the CTC goes back to 1996, when the centre first opened its doors.
2021 Celebrity Walk and Breakfast
pmdms2021-09-13T16:50:19-04:00We are happy to say that we are going ahead with our major fundraiser, the Celebrity Walk & Breakfast, in the same format as last year!